
Cagliari - Videoconference

18/05/2022 from 09:30 to 13:30 

Regional Assembly of Confcooperative Lavoro Servizi Sardegna

Serena Lomiri, ISPRA Project Leader of Strong Sea Life, will participate in the Elective Assembly of Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi Sardegna, making a contribution with particular reference to the recent and important collaboration created on the occasion of the launch of the Strong Sea Project between ISPRA and cooperative enterprises engaged in the various activities in support of the same.
Removal, disposal and recovery are a central point of Strong Sea up to the point of being able to recycle. This will allow the development of a virtuous supply chain which is a great added value for the project.

Sustainability, i.e. the continuation of benefits beyond the duration of the project, is a topic of central importance in LIFE projects. In the case of Strong Sea, the presence in the partnership of consolidated realities in the area is already a guarantee of an interest that will remain alive and continuous. Strong Sea actors will continue to dialogue with storage structures and realities that deal with recycling, promoting the strengthening of a process, of a virtuous supply chain that will last over time. This will allow both the protection of marine ecosystems and the growth of awareness in citizens, up to the reuse of materials that can become something other than waste, an element of great importance.

Sustainability is also a central topic of the 2030 Agenda, both from an environmental and an economic point of view. The collaboration between the Strong Sea partners will be a small step towards some of the objectives that the agenda sets itself.

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